Start your own e-loading business! Earn extra income by selling eload and all major prepaid cards like cell cards, game cards, internet cards, and phone cards using you own SIM (Smart / Globe / Talk 'n Text / Touch Mobile / Sun / Red Mobile) or PC with internet connection.
Loadcentral e-loading business is a good source of extra income for those who are working full-time/part-time, students, housewives and ideal for internet cafes and sari-sari stores.
LOADCENTRAL is a distribution solution that facilitates the dispensing of airtime credits via SMS or a web-interface. This system can dispense electronic PINS (E-PINS) and even directly top-up credit into a subscriber’s account (E-LOADS). With LoadCentral, any person with a cellular phone or PC with internet connection that has been registered into the LoadCentral database can dispense and retail prepaid card products without even carrying any sort of prepaid card inventory. A LoadCentral Retailer can now either sell E-PINS of any brand of prepaid products, or even top-up or and directly send load into subscriber’s account with a few simple steps using his mobile phone or PC with internet connection. Read more about loadcentral>>
In order to become a loadcentral retailer to be able to sell e-pins of prepaid cards and e-load, your sim/mobile number must first be activated by the dealer. Sim activation is free and just purchase at least P100 (minimum) initial loadwallet to be able to start your e-loading business once your sim has been activated.
Loadcentral e-loading business is a good source of extra income for those who are working full-time/part-time, students, housewives and ideal for internet cafes and sari-sari stores.
LOADCENTRAL is a distribution solution that facilitates the dispensing of airtime credits via SMS or a web-interface. This system can dispense electronic PINS (E-PINS) and even directly top-up credit into a subscriber’s account (E-LOADS). With LoadCentral, any person with a cellular phone or PC with internet connection that has been registered into the LoadCentral database can dispense and retail prepaid card products without even carrying any sort of prepaid card inventory. A LoadCentral Retailer can now either sell E-PINS of any brand of prepaid products, or even top-up or and directly send load into subscriber’s account with a few simple steps using his mobile phone or PC with internet connection. Read more about loadcentral>>
In order to become a loadcentral retailer to be able to sell e-pins of prepaid cards and e-load, your sim/mobile number must first be activated by the dealer. Sim activation is free and just purchase at least P100 (minimum) initial loadwallet to be able to start your e-loading business once your sim has been activated.