How to Sell Loadcentral Products via SMS

Using the retailer's Loadcentral activated phone:

1. Retailer types the Product Code that the buyer (end-user) chose and paid for:

Product Code<space>Password<space>Buyer’s mobile #
then send to Loadcental Access Number

Ex. To sell Smart All Text Plus 20, type
SMAT20 123456 09101234567

2. Retailer and Buyer get a confirmation message from LoadCentral.

Retailer gets a text saying:
You have successfully made an e-pin sale (Product Code) to (Mobile no. of buyer). Your wallet balance is Pxxxx.xx. Trace #: xxxxxxx
Buyer gets a text saying:
You have purchased (Product Code) (PIN). Thank you for using our service. Trace #: xxxxxxx

LoadCentral SMS Access Numbers

LoadCentral Access Numbers

Smart - 09209456856, 09209456857
Globe - 09178662418
Sun    - 09228504340