Using the retailer's Loadcentral activated phone:
1. Retailer types the Product Code that the buyer (end-user) chose and paid for:
Product Code<space>Password<space>Buyer’s mobile #
then send to Loadcental Access Number
Ex. To sell Smart All Text Plus 20, type
SMAT20 123456 09101234567
Ex. To sell Smart All Text Plus 20, type
SMAT20 123456 09101234567
2. Retailer and Buyer get a confirmation message from LoadCentral.
Retailer gets a text saying:
Retailer gets a text saying:
You have successfully made an e-pin sale (Product Code) to (Mobile no. of buyer). Your wallet balance is Pxxxx.xx. Trace #: xxxxxxx
Buyer gets a text saying:
You have purchased (Product Code) (PIN). Thank you for using our service. Trace #: xxxxxxx
LoadCentral SMS Access Numbers |
LoadCentral Access Numbers Smart - 09209456856, 09209456857 Globe - 09178662418 Sun - 09228504340 |